Sunday, February 5, 2017


STAR TREK is a story of our future & of "NOW."
The western world is like the future when compared to the eastern world by like hundreds of years or more.
When an American goes to a third world country in Asia, like Vietnam, or to Africa, for example, it is like going back in time. Therefore, SCIENCE FICTION, like STAR TREK, and TIME TRAVEL, are like analogies and illustrations and parables of the relationships between the new and old worlds, the western and eastern worlds, the developed and developing and undeveloped countries.
I watched a video about Hamlet today which talked about what life was like in Europe, & even in England, in London, about 400 years ago, like in the 1600's A.D. and things were developing then but people ate rotten food. Doctors would drain the bad blood out & bleed patients to death in an attempt to cleanse out the bad blood. They say they didn't know about germs.
They threw trash on the ground then like they do now in Vietnam and places like that. Therefore, when you go to Vietnam, it is like TIME TRAVEL and I try to tell people that the differences between America and Vietnam, for example, is not as FATALISTIC as they think it is and America is simply in the future.
Vietnamese perspective of America could be like Americans desire to live like 400 years in the future and STAR TREK and the other FANTASIES and SCIENCE FICTIONS and other things serve as a bridge to help people see that AMERICA is ALREADY IN THE FUTURE COMPARED TO THE REST OF THE WORLD.
The world is so jealous of America because they covet it and they want it and it is the future in so many ways.
Somebody said and asked about "To be or not to be." That may be a question about whether we should live or die in a world of injustice. If we die, then we may stop existing or we may go to sleep. But if we sleep, then we may have good day dreams or we may have nightmares. It might be Heaven or Hell that awaits us on the other side, that is after death in the afterlife.
A Vietnamese may understand this question better than a rich person with no problems. Hamlet is a play about Hamlet. He thinks about supernatural things but the other characters are not at all or not as much. Hamlet thought he heard somebody tell him to go kill. He thinks about it because he doesn't know if it like a devil, a demon, a ghost, a trick, a good idea to go murder, or a bad idea. This story of Hamlet is much more philosophical than something like Beo Wolf. During the time of Hamlet, doctors were dissecting bodies more & were studying human & animal biology more. Some of the guts & gore, or exploration into a place where "NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE" (STAR TREK) into the body, was seen like with the Gladiators before Hamlet, and then also in the plays as well.
Time travel happens when you travel between the new and old worlds. Hamlet was like a modern man living back in the old world. Some countries now are still in the old world of long ago.
There are differences between America and Vietnam for example, but it is mostly or partly a difference of time, of development, since America is simply BACK IN THE FUTURE when compared with Vietnam and God helps humans travel into the future. Without God, people stay BACK IN TIME, de-evolved.
While watching a video about Hamlet, I came up with this analogy to describe our relationship with Star Trek, science fiction, with the ideas & the stories of what life might be like in 200 or 400 or a whole lot of years after the year 2000 A.D. or so. I was thinking that the western world is like centuries ahead of the eastern world at least in some areas like with the trash on the ground.
2017-02-06 6 AM AC THD Q1 HCM VN JSA
Video Discussion about Hamlet by Stefan Molyneux & Duke Pesta:

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